In the manufacturing industry, there is a lot for employees to learn. But, this can be a challenge to manage, especially if you have multiple employees all learning different things at once. This is where a learning management system comes in — it provides businesses with a simple solution for keeping track of employee training. But, what exactly is a learning management system and why should you use one? In this article, we’ll go over the top seven benefits of using a learning management system. But first, let’s briefly get into what it even is. 

What is a learning management system?

A learning management system is also referred to as LMS, learning management software, learning management platform, and LMS software. Put simply, it is a software application that allows a business to store, manage, provide, and track all training-related materials. More specifically, it enables a business to:

  • — Gain complete visibility into the entire training program
  • — Train new employees
  • — Track individual progress
  • — Communicate with their employees
  • — Access detailed analytics and insights
  • — Identify skills gaps
  • — Identify individuals who may need additional training
  • — Visually present relevant data

What are the benefits of using a learning management system?

Today, a learning management system is a fundamental part of the learning and development process. This is especially true if you have a larger workforce and a substantial amount of training material to deliver. If you’re still unsure about whether a learning management system is right for you and your organization, here are seven top benefits of using a learning management system.

1. Manages training efficiently

One of the biggest pain points for many businesses needing to deliver training is organizing it. From notifying learners to enrolments, to tracking completions – there’s a lot to manage, especially if the team responsible for this is small. By using a learning management system, mundane tasks become automated. In essence, you can automatically add learners, enrol them in the right courses, launch quizzes, issue certificates, and access reports in real-time, leaving you with more time to attend to more important tasks.

2. Organizes all training content in one place

One of the most obvious benefits of using a learning management system is that it organizes all your training content in one place. Traditionally, training content is spread out over multiple hard drives and devices. But, with a learning management system, you can access any and all training content in a central location with just a few clicks. As a result, this reduces the risk of losing or misplacing important training data and makes it easier for you to find the training content you are looking for. 

3. Access training content anywhere, anytime

Since a learning management system typically operates on a cloud-based platform, one of the most powerful benefits of using a learning management system is that your employees can access training content wherever and whenever. So, even on the go, employees can log into the system via their smartphones or tablets, enabling them to access training content right then and there. In other words, they don’t have to wait until they go into work the next day to develop skills and perfect work-related tasks. 

4. Tracks individual progress and performance

A good learning management system enables you to keep track of an individual’s progress and lets you know if they are meeting their performance milestones or not. For example, if an individual is unable to successfully complete a training course, you can offer them additional help and guidance. What’s more, most learning management systems have a reporting and analytics feature that lets you visually pinpoint areas individuals aren’t doing so well in and where they are exceeding. So, for instance, if you discover that multiple individuals are struggling with throughout a specific training course, you can access the training content and modify it if necessary.

5. Reduces learning and development costs

In the past, in order to train and develop your employees, you had to pay for an instructor, rent an online training site, and print learning materials. However, by using a learning management system, this means your employees can carry out all their training online, saving you considerable amount on your learning and development budget. For example, you won’t have to worry about printing out 500 pages worth of learning materials and book a study room for your instructor because everything you need to train your employees is right in the learning management system.

6. Reduces learning and development time

In addition to reducing cost, one of the top benefits of using a learning management system is that it reduces learning and development time. Instead of having to sit through lengthy hour long training courses, with a learning management system, employees can simply click on the modules they need, and learn the training content in a fraction of the time. Additionally, they can assess their understanding by taking built-in quizzes curated by you or watch videos that highlight complex processes or tasks.

7. Helps organizations stay up-to-date with compliance regulations

Lastly, but certainly not least, one of the most invaluable benefits of using a learning management system is that it helps organizations stay up-to-date with current compliance regulations. Compliance rules are always changing, and updating courses to reflect these changes can require a lot of administrative time and effort. But, by using a learning management system, this gives you the ability to modify your training courses with updated compliance standards in just a few clicks and in a matter of minutes. What’s more, this also ensures that each and every employee is on the same page when it comes to expectations and company policies, boosting customer satisfaction and decreasing employee turnover rates.

Train and develop your employees with the LeanSuite

The LeanSuite is an effective platform to manage, deliver, and track your training. In other words, it has everything you need to deliver efficient training that accelerates your business growth. The LeanSuite’s Learning Management System streamlines and centralizes training management across your company so that you can get rid of the busywork, and train your employees from anywhere, at anytime.