In today’s blog, we’ll be discussing what a connected worker platform is, and the benefits of a connected worker platform.

What is a Connected Worker Platform?

Connected worker platforms are digital software tools that help industrial companies improve the way their employees work. It makes it easier to control manufacturing processes by creating new connections between machines, devices, and applications. In essence, these tools allow them to effectively plan, schedule, and monitor simple and complex manufacturing operational activities across multiple teams and locations. As a result, this helps improve communication and collaboration, and provides guidance and support within the workforce. 

Connected worker platforms often operate on a cloud-based management system that operations managers or production supervisors use to create, assign, and manage any work being done. Frontline workers also use these platforms to perform the work assigned to them on any mobile device or relevant wearable technology. 

Depending on a business’ goals and what they hope to implement, connected worker platforms can vary. But, in general, they help industrial companies:

  • — Get rid of paper-based work and transition to digital work instructions instead
  • — Schedule, assign, and manage work orders
  • — Implement effective training, and encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing
  • — Optimize complex manufacturing operational activities
  • — Gain actionable insight and improve the performance of their workforce

What are the Benefits of a Connected Worker Platform?

Four Benefits of a Connected Worker Platform
1. Improved employee morale

The first benefit of a connected worker platform is the improvement of employee morale. Frontline workers are one of a industrial company’s most valuable assets as they play a huge role in keeping their operations running. So, it’s important that they take care of their team. When a worker is connected, they have access to the data and resources they need to succeed. But, if they’re not connected, productivity and employee morale can quickly decline if they feel like they’re not being supported.

By using a software that is as easy to use as their favourite smartphone apps, frontline workers have all the information they need to solve problems, making their jobs easier and more satisfying. Additionally, when your team feels like they can live up to their potential and can successfully tackle problems independently, retention rates improve, which, in turn, increases employee engagement and productivity. 

2. Improved worker safety

Industrial companies are responsible for the well-being of their workers on the shop floor. That’s why one of the more important benefits of a connected worker platform is the improvement of worker safety. Traditionally, when a new, non-connected worker struggles with a task, they would just try to do their best and risk dangerous mistakes to prevent a drop in productivity. However, a connected worker would be able to easily and quickly access digital work instructions, training materials, best practices shared across the organization, and much more. Connected worker platforms can also help ensure that companies remain compliant with local and industry rules and regulations. In addition, it can detect hazardous conditions before they can cause any workplace injuries. 

3. Increased efficiency

One of the most attractive benefits of a connected worker platform is increased efficiency. Frontline employees know what to do and how to do it and therefore, time is not wasted. Essentially, they can get things done. What’s more, leaders and supervisors can automate schedules that fit the company’s bottom line and the workers. Tasks can also be allocated to streamline workflows, monitor employee performance, etc. In short, everyone can use the software to improve efficiency and productivity across all departments of the organization.

4. Improved communication

Connected worker platforms allow industrial companies to experience better communication. Workers can share problems, delays, and insights at the tap of a finger, allowing the entire plant to stay on the same page. Additionally, workers can come together to collaborate and solve problems without having to be in the same physical space. For instance, workers might use the platform to upload and share photos of safety problems on the shop floor, helping to identify problems and keep one another safe. They might also create specific chats dedicated to specific equipment so they can keep track of how each piece of equipment is performing for that day.

Connect Your Workforce With TheLeanSuite

Your workforce deserves to be connected! If you’re looking to improve employee morale, efficiency and productivity, communication, and more, you’ll need the right connected worker platform.

At TheLeanSuite, we bring people and machines together in ways that can help improve your overall operations and bottom line. This is possible because of our connected worker platform — it digitizes paper-based processes to empower workers and improve plant performance.Â