Did you know that lean manufacturing software can help you improve your company’s productivity by streamlining processes and increasing employee engagement?

An ideal workplace is defined by its vision and culture, both of which should go hand-in-hand.  A great company culture can keep employees productive and facilitate them in meeting with the mission and vision of the organization. Workers are more likely to stick around when they feel like being an integral part of the system. When they enjoy their jobs, they are more likely to make significant contributions in meeting the customer’s values. Motivated employees are the strongest pillar of any organization.


“Engaging the hearts, minds and hands of the talent is the most sustainable source of competitive advantage.”
– Greg Harris

According to Gallup, 85% of employees around the world are not engaged in the workplace. They only come to work for the sake of it, without any emotional attachment. Engaging employees successfully is important to make a positive difference in modern organizations. It should be one of the organization’s priorities as motivated personnel can maintain a positive outcome even in a stressful atmosphere. People who are Involved are easier to work with and they exemplify a work culture that other job-seekers look up to.  Successful leaders who lead talented teams are often found to actively coach, guide and strengthen their employees’ trust in the organization’s philosophy rather than micromanaging them.  

To ensure that the company’s mission aligns with the ways that people currently work and the ways that they want to work is a crucial step. By following these five C’s, you are setting your organization on a path of improved workforce relations and general workplace happiness.

CONNECT – An easy way to increase employee motivation is by encouraging positive communications at the workplace. Team building, sharing of ideas and experiences such as achievements or breakdowns may not only bond employees closer but can also create a sense of support and community amongst themselves.

CARE – Every workplace has a combination of personalities, meaning that what might motivate a particular employee, may not inspire another. Involving different personalities and assessing their problems may help in making strategies a lot easier. Get connected with employees by having informal chats regularly to make sure that they are satisfied with everything in their immediate workplace.

COACH – People may sometimes feel disoriented, lack focus and direction, therefore, guiding them along the way should be an ongoing commitment in a workplace. A simple fix is to organize a half or full day workshop which involves tasks such as ‘Worst-case Scenario; simulating scenarios in which employees need to work together to solve the problems to succeed could be helpful.

CONTRIBUTE – Leaders should encourage employees to make their contributions and share their own ideas. Employees will take pride and be engaged in their work if they know that their suggestions and efforts create a positive impact in the organization, and they are equally as important as the management. These employee contributions can play a significant part in making the company successful. there’s an age old saying, ‘No idea is ever a stupid idea’. A proper suggestion system should be set up where the workers can regularly suggest changes to improvise.

CONGRATULATE – Employee suggestions that turn out helpful should be rewarded and the employee should be recognized through a proper engagement system. 84% of highly engaged employees are those who receive recognition. Employees who are rewarded and recognized for jobs well done are usually highly engaged and motivated to go above and beyond their duties, leading to better culture and overall excellent performance. 

Finding the appropriate problem-solving activities can be quite challenging as some activities could either make or break the employee. These strategies can help improve internal communication and bond, boosting morale at the workplace and in helping staff get to know co-workers better. Leaders and managers should try and make religious efforts in staying connected with, and inspiring employees to prosper personally and professionally year after year.