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Workforce Enablement

Create an engaged and high-performing workforce

How to Build an Effective Recognition Program

The goal of an effective recognition program is to make employees feel valued. They want to know that their efforts, big or small, are appreciated. In fact, employees produce better work when they are recognized for it – this directly affects your bottom line. Additionally, having an employee rewards and recognition program is an important part of an employee engagement strategy. So, in other words, recognition is essential to driving employee engagement. 

How to Create a High-performance Culture

A high-performance culture is an organizational culture built on a set of behaviors and norms that lead an organization to achieve better results. That is to say, companies with high-performance cultures achieve better financial and non-financial results than companies without high-performance cultures. Non-financial results include employee retention, customer satisfaction, competitiveness and innovation. In other words, having a high-performance culture isn’t just about encouraging good behavior or empowering employees, it’s a combination of both.

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