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Maintenance and Safety

Ensure smooth operations and create safer shop floor conditions

Five Ways to Improve Safety on the Shop Floor

Improving safety on a manufacturing shop floor is crucial for the well-being of employees and the overall efficiency of operations. From heavy machinery to hazardous materials, there are numerous risks that frontline employees face daily. So, by focusing on proactive measures and fostering a culture of safety, companies can create a secure and productive environment for their frontline employees. With that being said, in this blog post, we’ll explore different strategies and methods to improve safety on the shop floor within the manufacturing industry.

Top Reasons Why You Should Enforce Near-miss Reporting

The manufacturing industry is one of the most important industries in the world. It’s responsible for producing everything from cars to computers to household appliances. However, it’s also one of the most dangerous industries, with a high risk of accidents and injuries. Near-miss incidents, where an incident almost occurs but is narrowly avoided, are common in manufacturing. While these incidents may seem minor, they can be an indicator of a much larger issue. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top reasons why you should enforce near-miss reporting, especially in the manufacturing industry.

The Difference Between Planned and Scheduled Maintenance

Maintenance is essential for any business or organization that relies on equipment and machinery. Without proper maintenance, machines can break down unexpectedly, causing costly downtime and repairs. However, not all maintenance processes are the same. Planned and scheduled maintenance are two terms are often used interchangeably. While they go hand in hand with one another, they are not the same. In this blog post, we explore the difference between planned and scheduled maintenance.

What are Five Types of Maintenance Strategies?

All manufacturing plants are home to various types of equipment and machinery. Moreover, these assets take up a huge chunk of a company’s budget, and some could even argue that they are what makes a whole production process run. So, it only makes sense to provide them with proper care and upkeep. But, choosing the right combination can seem difficult and overwhelming since there are so many different approaches available. In today’s article, we get into five common types of maintenance strategies to get you started on choosing the most appropriate choice.

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