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Maintenance and Safety

Ensure smooth operations and create safer shop floor conditions

What are the Benefits of Preventive Maintenance?

Your physical assets, such as your equipment and machinery, are the backbone of your business. However, equipment failures cannot be eliminated — they will happen. Fortunately, implementing preventive maintenance measures can help you maintain these assets and extend their lifespans. In today’s blog, we’ll discover the top five benefits of preventive maintenance. But first, let’s briefly get into what preventive maintenance is.

Four Most Common Causes of Equipment Failure

Four Most Common Causes of Equipment Failure

There are many common causes of equipment failure as it is a regular phenomenon in the manufacturing industry. But, equipment failure are two words maintenance managers and leaders dread to hear. This is because it can result in manufacturing downtime, higher repair costs, health and safety implications for employees, and affect production and the delivery of products and services.

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