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Why Companies Use Lean Manufacturing

Why Companies Use Lean Manufacturing

Lean manufacturing is a widely recognized and practiced business philosophy as many manufacturers have implemented some variation of practice into their operations. But, what are the benefits of lean manufacturing? In today’s blog, we’ll first detail what lean manufacturing is and then we’ll get into why companies use lean manufacturing.

What are the Five Lean Manufacturing Principles?

The five lean manufacturing principles can help manufacturing companies operate more efficiently. Putting lean concepts into practice can be beneficial for your bottom line since greater efficiency results in improved productivity. Moreover, it aids in creating a positive customer experience which improves customer satisfaction and enhances your brand’s reputation. Before we get into what the five lean manufacturing principles are, let’s first get into what lean manufacturing is.

Four Most Common Causes of Equipment Failure

Four Most Common Causes of Equipment Failure

There are many common causes of equipment failure as it is a regular phenomenon in the manufacturing industry. But, equipment failure are two words maintenance managers and leaders dread to hear. This is because it can result in manufacturing downtime, higher repair costs, health and safety implications for employees, and affect production and the delivery of products and services.

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