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What is the Toyota Production System

What is the Toyota Production System?

The Toyota Production System (TPS) is an original manufacturing philosophy that aims to eliminate waste and increase efficiency. It was developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation during the second half of the 20th century and has benefited many automobile manufacturers. But, it has since been studied and modified to work with other manufacturing industries and businesses as well.

Benefits of Lean Manufacturing for Start-ups

Why do Start-ups keep a safe distance from Implementing Lean Manufacturing? A large number of manufacturing businesses today show hunger for lean management due to its noteworthy impact in last 20 years. However, due to the related costs and requirement of setting aside people for this job, implementing lean manufacturing in start-ups is more challenging than applying it in large-scale manufacturing enterprises. Small businesses often have less access to financing and fewer resources than larger companies. Most of these small enterprises fear the cost of its implementation and are sceptical of any potential results and benefits.

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