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The 5 Ms of Lean Manufacturing

A core focus of lean manufacturing is to improve efficiency and productivity by eliminating waste. Furthermore, it takes the 5 Ms of lean manufacturing and uses it simultaneously to create the best possible outcome for your manufacturing operations. Management can maintain and improve their workflows by consistently examining the 5 Ms.

The Five Elements of Kaizen

The word ‘Kaizen’ is composed of two Japanese words: ‘kai’ meaning ‘change’ and ‘zen’ meaning ‘for the better’. It is also known as “continuous improvement”.  Moreover, Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy that refers to business activities that continuously improve all business functions. In addition, these activities must also include all employees within the organization. Before implementing this approach into a company, it is important to learn about the five elements of Kaizen.

Startup Canada: Achieve more with less through

Scaling a business is always top of mind. That’s why it’s important to have a process implemented to ensure that you’re scaling efficiently. Angad Singh and Prabhpahul Singh think so too. After starting their business the Lean Suite a few months ago, they are on a mission to simplify and accelerate the implementation of continuous improvement programs and instill the lean culture through easy-to-use digital solutions. With their solutions, it allows companies to provide similar results with less resources.



Suggestions from the Shop Floor: Introducing TheLeanSuite – Lean manufacturing is a mindset that demands continuous improvement during every stage of the manufacturing process. TheLeanSuite is a digital tool that supports the lean manufacturing mindset. An automated suggestion box uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to gather input from staff working on the shop floor to find efficiencies and improve processes.

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