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Lean Tools and Concepts

The Seven Wastes of Lean Manufacturing

The 7 wastes of lean manufacturing, or also known as ‘muda,’ includes various forms of inefficiencies that the lean production systems strive to eliminate. By definition, in lean manufacturing, waste is considered as anything that does not add value. By eliminating some, if not all, of the 7 wastes of lean manufacturing, you can boost your organization’s productivity and improve your overall bottom line.

The 5S Lean Methodology

The 5S lean methodology is an important technique in lean manufacturing. To clarify, it is a systematic approach to workplace organization and helps keep workplaces clean, safe, and uncluttered to reduce waste and optimize productivity. As a result, this helps build a quality work environment, both physically and mentally. Furthermore, this philosophy applies in any work area that has visual control and lean production.

The 5 Ms of Lean Manufacturing

A core focus of lean manufacturing is to improve efficiency and productivity by eliminating waste. Furthermore, it takes the 5 Ms of lean manufacturing and uses it simultaneously to create the best possible outcome for your manufacturing operations. Management can maintain and improve their workflows by consistently examining the 5 Ms.

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